Wednesday, August 10, 2011

AdVenTuRe'S oF kOkO bEaN (and her mom and dad)

"The strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws".
- Barbara Kingsolver

After a long ten-hour work day, seeing seventy customers, at least a third of them being new customers (new customers require more attention at times,) and driving home on the asphalt jungle that is highway I-435, dodging traffic, I finally made it home- only eleven hours after leaving my house. This was my welcome.

(We LoVe MoMmy)

Koko Bean and Daddy had been out on the driveway creating masterpieces and of course, this was my favorite.

There's definitely never a dull moment in our household, especially in the mornings before work. It's become routine for us to have some sort of dramatic episode. Today was no exeption and once again, we took in stride. We all woke up as late as possible, but in just enough time to hustle our little rears in gear to get to daycare and work on time. Daddy let Chloe out, and started breakfast for Koko Bean. I went down to let Flex out and found a wonderful present from him. He decided to leave me fecal presents all over his cage. I hurried up the stairs carrying the poo filled crate and hosed it down outside.
Then Koko Bean decided to have a crappy problem herself. Actually, it's not right to say she chose to have this problem. She was cursed with it. I heard her scream in the basement and immediately ran down to see what the problem was. She just cried, shook her head, and wouldn't tell me. Finally I took her upstairs to change her diaper. Upon removing the diaper, I saw it. (Sorry in advance if the following disturbs you.) That familiar cry was that of pain. I sat her on the potty to expel the "problem." Well, she couldn't just sit on the potty. It was so bad that she stood up and it dropped down her leg, smearing all the way down, and onto the bathroom floor. As I picked the tennis ball size business off the floor with toilet tissue, we tried to make a bigger deal out of her using the potty than the big deal that was causing her pain. She was rewarded with not one, but three stickers this morning for that!!

Tonight, I let Koko Bean pick out her jammies. She picked out what she calls, "walking jammies," also known as footie pajamas. I asked her if she thought they would get too hot tonight. Her reply? "No, I don't think so."
So we decided to have a rowdy pajama party on Mommy and Daddy's bed to end the crazy day.

I miss that face so much when I'm at work all day. I am constantly thinking about her and I know Daddy does too. She can make a long day like today disappear like we'd never been apart. Sometimes I wonder what I'm missing while she's at daycare, but I am so happy she's in a loving home with all her friends. She is loved by so many as she loves them. I'm glad God gave me this little gift to share with others so that she may light up their life as she has mine.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a good Mommy, and Koko Bean is growing up to be such a beautiful little darling!
