Friday, October 28, 2011

Neewollah- "How Sweet it is." Pt. 2

The second part of our Neewollah adventure this year, was the Kiddie Parade. The Kiddie Parade takes place at 4pm on the second Friday of Neewollah. All of the kids put on their scariest, prettiest, and sweetest costumes and walk down the street in a somewhat, organized fashion. There are superheroes and supervillans, witches and warlocks; and princes and princesses. It is always a sight to see as parents try to keep a hold of their kids while catching up with the other parents whom they haven't' seen in a year. This year, Koko Bean was *Super Girl,* or as she called it, "Super Reader to the rescue!!" Can you tell we're big fans of Super Why?
We met up with our good buddy J, and his parents at their house. We hadn't seen J since August, so Koko Bean was more than excited to see him. They played and played until it was time to suit up and head to the parade. When we arrived downtown, they played some more. We met up with my friend, Ashley and her two adorable children who were dressed as a monster and Spider man.

Can you guess what J was for Halloween this year??

He was the cutest HAMBURGER you've ever seen!!
Each year, it is a tradition to take a picture with D family at Neewollah. This year, we were sans strollers since the kids were big enough to walk the parade themselves.

Koko Bean walked most of the way, until the end. Then she caught a ride on Dad's shoulders for the remainder of the parade.

To wrap up the day, we stopped at a food stand. Dad and Koko Bean wanted one last funnel cake for the road. I even found something that I couldn't live without and my mommy bought it for me. It was a piece of Bavarian cheesecake with chocolate syrup, whipped cream and cherries on top!!  Sometimes,you just have to indulge and boy, did I. How sweet it was....

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