Friday, February 10, 2012

Turn That Frown Upside Down

Attention! Has anyone seen my happy little girl???


 I see this little girl a little too often these days.

Maybe here?

How about here?

Oh, there she is!!

This is the little girl I know well. I'm not sure about the rest of those photos. I feel a little repetitive when I say this age is ridiculous! one minute, I have a sweet, sleeping beauty and the next, I have this little girl straight out of the Exorcist. Okay, that's taking it too far. She doesn't go from sleep to exorcist girl that fast. However, if I break the eggshell I'm walking on, she snaps. All hell breaks loose, and we have an all out conniption fit about something as small as me helping her put on a sweater. Wills are being tested and I'm hoping, just hoping that Momma's will is just a smidgen stronger than hers.

Speaking of strong will, Mr. Flex got the big snip this week. It was long overdue. This dog is completely different from any other dog we've had. He is stubborn. He is crazy. He is cantankerous. Hopefully, after his coin purse removal, we have a tad better mannered dog. Fingers crossed.

As ornery as he is, he sure is entertaining.

And he sure is adorable.

My love for the canine type must of trickled down in the gene pool. Miss Koko Bean is quite fond of her fury brother and sister. In fact, she smothers them with love as much as she torments them. That's a lot.

I sure love seeing this little girl smile. I hope to see it more often than I have, especially since Momma got a brand new bag...and a camera to go in it!! You've been warned. Mom-a-razi is full force now. There's no stopping me!!

1 comment:

  1. love to see the pictures of my grand daughter especially when she smiles
