Friday, January 6, 2012

Brought to You by the Number THREE!

Koko Bean's THIRD birthday is today!! I would say three is my favorite age, but someone refuses to believe she's three. When asked how old she is, she will still tell you she's two and a half. I guess she's practicing for her second 29th birthday or something. I hope she agrees to be three soon because Mommy is super excited about her turning three. Three is definitely a fun age. I am looking forward to what three has to bring this year.
Three years ago today, Mommy got her real live baby doll and Daddy got his little daddy's girl. Now, she's a bonafied three-year-old with attitude, independence and sass. It doesn't get better than this. Here we go on this wild ride called THREE.

Children are unpredictable. You never know what inconsistency they're going to catch you in next. ~Franklin P. Jones

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